Hotels Near WVU

Hotels Near WVU

There are plenty of hotels near West Virginia University for visitors to choose from.

Some of the most popular options include the Holiday Inn Express, Courtyard Marriott and Renaissance Charleston Hotel. In addition to being conveniently located, these hotels offer a variety of amenities that will make anyone feel right at home. For those who want more than just a room with a bed, there is also an endless list of amenities offered by each hotel – from swimming pools and fitness centers to free breakfast and WiFi access. Whether you’re looking for convenience or luxury, there’s something perfect for everyone in this region!

Here is a list of Hotels Near WVU

– Holiday Inn Express

– Courtyard Marriott

– Renaissance Charleston Hotel

The hotels near West Virginia University are perfect for visitors. Visitors can choose from a variety of accommodations, as well as amenities that will make their stay more enjoyable and convenient. Whether you’re looking to indulge in luxury or prefer convenience, there is something on this list for everyone!